땐뽀걸즈 김현빈



성적은 '9등급'이지만, '땐'스 스'뽀'츠는 잘하고 싶다! 구조조정이 시작된 조선소에 취업을 준비하는 거제여상 학생들. 그곳에 다른 꿈을 꾸는 소녀들이 있다. 완뚜쓰리뽀 앤 완뚜쓰리뽀! 열여덟 소녀들의 '땐뽀' 도전은 성공할 수 있을까?.






(출처 : 땐뽀걸즈)




For a start the film is so boring it's untrue, the kidnap

plot is one of the dullest I've ever seen without

the slightest bit of tension or excitement involved & the





horror side of things don't improve as we get a big black

guy with stupid looking over-sized

bloodshot eyes plus two tame cannibal scenes.





A guy with his head cut clean off... looked clean

- missing signs bone, flesh, blood, and even the head.





It was great to watch this film and see live

footage of the great Irish rock guitarist Rory

Gallaher, performing with his band Taste.



But then we start seeing new footage

(alternates from Superman - The





Movie for the trial)

and that first bit of hesitation fades away.



It could be because of my lack of experience

with the genre, or that it's a genuinely clever twist.




Either way, the movie's pretty bad and don't watch

it if there's anything better on... Unless

you're in the mood for a cheap scifi flick..



There's some well-placed humor in the film,

such as when O'Brien lands his

plane in a lady's bathroom





(!), but the film is as much a

mystery as it is a western.




사업자 정보 표시
덕연샵 | 박지인 | 경기 부천시 원미구 역곡2동 18-12 | 사업자 등록번호 : 130-42-95486 | TEL : 010-2868-1052 | Mail : ppang7942@hanmail.net | 통신판매신고번호 : 제 2011-경기부천-1444호 | 사이버몰의 이용약관 바로가기